Eat to perform than to survive
Our unique diet consultation program formulated by expert dietitian in the field of diet and nutrition to provide you with best dieting solution for weight loss.
WLD plans are completely customized for your age, gender, eating preferences and medical conditions , nutritionally balanced and easy to follow, which help you eat right without depriving you from any food group.
By following our program you would be able to lose 0.5-1 kg per week. Go through our program and select which suites you best according to the number of kilos you need to lose.
Choose your plan
Why to pay us?
Its quick, convenient and cost effective weight loss diet consultation service. if you visit a dietitian in person or go for slimming center membership you have to not only wait in queue for hours but also its heavy on your pocket. WLD plan registration allows you unlimited access to a personal dietitian who works on your specific goal and give you expected weight loss results in real short time.
What you get?
- Personalized weight loss diet plan
- Counselling every week to keep a check on your progress
- Instant access and quick reply to your queries
- 2-4 kg of weight loss per month
- healthy interesting recipes
- Exercise videos to perform exercise at home.
- Guidelines for disease management, if any